Careers in Public Service
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A career in public service will combine your interests and talents as you help the communities around you. Continue reading to explore your potential new career opportunities.

There are few better feelings than making a difference. This could look like a Saturday packing food for families in need, or a summer-long stint building houses for the homeless. Yet for some, helping communities goes beyond a single weekend or season with a hammer and nails. Supporting others is a 24/7 drive that some times starts with a passion and turns into a bachelor’s degree, that first job in a nearby town, and then climbing the ladder to a successful and long-term career. Could this path to helping others be meant for you?
The following guide looks at careers across education, criminal justice, healthcare, and other fields with a focus on helping others. It breaks down each profession, how it gives back, how to get started, and what to expect as you learn, earn, and grow. Learn where you can work in public service and whom you can impact on a daily basis by reading on.
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Working in the Community
Serving the community at large can mean anything from enforcing law and maintaining order to managing a neighborhood recreation center. Some of the most popular careers that benefit communities and are attracting both students and young professionals across the U.S. today are listed below. Discover how you can make a difference across your community by continuing on.
Criminal Justice
Criminal justice careers include everything from investigating crimes and tracking down suspects to apprehending felons and keeping them behind bars. For example, police officers and detectives respond to emergencies, perform traffic stops, obtain warrants, make arrests, and even testify in court. Correctional officers maintain order inside detention centers, search inmates for contraband, and transport inmates within and outside of facilities. Police officers, correctional officers, and other criminal justice professionals are tasked with making the entire community a safer place for everyone.
Popular criminal justice careers:
No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary | |
Correctional officer | 387,500 | -7% | $53,300 |
Police officer | 796,800 | 4% | $74,910 |
Security guard | 1,240,700 | 2% | $37,070 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
Careers in firefighting range from inspecting buildings for potential or actual fire damage to leading a firehouse as a fire chief. In addition to putting out fires, firefighters respond to emergencies where people’s lives, possessions, or the environment is in danger. With EMT training, they can provide critical medical care at accidents and in other situations where injury occurs. Their fire suppression and medical training makes them vital components of the community and its health.
Popular careers in firefighting:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
Firefighter | 326,800 | 4% | $57,120 |
Fire inspector | 17,300 | 6% | $71,420 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
Careers in forestry concentrate on developing and maintaining healthy woodlands and parks. This can range from overseeing safety and firefighting efforts to planting trees and distributing insecticides. Forestry professionals may also measure forest growth (or dissipation) using geographic information system (GIS) equipment and satellite imagery.
Woodland areas and parks are major components of communities, giving everyone a place to hike, picnic, and enjoy nature. Keeping these places healthy is key to fostering the health of the community, as well.
Popular careers in forestry:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
Forester & Conservation Scientist | 41,400 | 5% | $68,300 |
Forest & Conservation worker | 10,900 | -4% | $33,940 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
Not too many career fields impact the community more than healthcare. Whether emergency or preventative in nature, healthcare professionals focus on maximizing the health of their patients while minimizing their risk of future care need. This responsibility ranges from nursing assistants who make routine rounds helping established patients to doctors who perform surgery in emergency situations. Although many healthcare facilities are private in nature, the services they perform contribute to the health and wellbeing of the public.
Popular careers in healthcare:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
CNA | 1,469,400 | 4% | $38,200 |
Practical Nurse | 657,800 | 53 | $59,730 |
Registered Nurse | 3,300,100 | 6% | $86,070 |
Nurse Practitioner | 349,600 | 40% | $129,480 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
Public Health
Broadly speaking, public health covers a wide range of medical, physical, and mental health needs. For example, epidemiologists study causes of disease and other ailments in populations of various sizes. Health educators teach both kids and adults how to establish and maintain healthy behaviors that promote physical and emotional wellness. And rehabilitation counselors help people with dependencies and disabilities live as successfully and as independently as possible.
Anyone who works in public health contributes daily to the overall wellbeing of the community. You can see their importance in how they impact both individuals and groups physically, emotionally, mentally, and more.
Popular careers in public health:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
Epidemiologist | 11,000 | 19% | $81,390 |
Health Educator | 62,100 | 7% | $62,860 |
Rehabilitation Counselor | 87,600 | 2% | $44,040 |
Social Service Assistant | 433,000 | 8% | $41,410 |
Social Worker | 751,900 | 7% | $58,380 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
Working with the Elderly
An estimated 57.8 million Americans are 65 and older according to the Administration for Community Living. Within the next 40 years, this number is projected to grow more than double. This means an increasing need for professionals to help our senior citizens work through medical- and health-related issues. If you’re looking to make a difference within the elderly community directly, here’s how you can do it.
Home Care
For some senior citizens, especially those 80 and older, traveling to a medical or healthcare facility may not be easy. This is often the case for those who have a physical challenge yet still live at home with a spouse or alone. In these cases, healthcare professionals who provide care inside the home are invaluable. Home health aides help elderly clients with tasks such as bathing, dressing, housekeeping, and laundry. In-home nurses administer medical care such as injections, difficult medications, and help with hygiene.
Popular careers in elderly home care:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
Home Health Aide | 3,961,900 | 21% | $33,530 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
Therapy for the elderly can be physical, mental, occupational, or recreational in nature. For example, physical therapists help senior citizens recover from muscle and joint injuries or work to minimize degeneration of the effected area. Occupational therapists work with patients of all kinds, including the elderly, to create treatment plans to improve their ability to perform daily tasks. This could mean developing in-home modifications to help someone with arthritis cook, clean, and perform other routine tasks.
Popular careers in elderly therapy:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
Occupational Therapist | 150,500 | 11% | $96,370 |
Occupational Therapy Assistant | 52,100 | 22% | $67,010 |
Physical Therapist | 259,200 | 14% | $99,710 |
Physical Therapist Assistant | 152,800 | 25% | $64,080 |
Recreational Therapist | 16,600 | 4% | $57,120 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
Audio-Visual Assistance
Today’s aging Americans have unique needs when it comes to vision and hearing. Unfortunately, with time, our vision can fade and hearing can go from healthy to impaired to legally deaf. Although optometrists and audiologists work with people of all ages, some specialize in elder care. These professionals focus on helping our senior citizens with cataracts, bifocals, hearing aids, and other items to that can make their vision and hearing as healthy as it can be.
Popular careers in elderly vision and hearing:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
Audiologist | 14,400 | 11% | $87,740 |
Optometrist | 49,300 | 9% | $131,860 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
Retirement Planning
Senior citizens may have social security and retirement funds to pull from already, but some may not. And even with pensions and retirement incomes, there’s still a need to manage everything. Financial planners who specialize in retirement often help senior citizens keep everything in line and running smoothly, from watching investments and managing portfolios to making sure the money that goes out doesn’t wildly exceed the money that’s coming in. Here’s a look at personal financial advisors, a related professional role that helps the elderly stay financially stable.
Popular careers in elderly vision and Planning:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
Retirement planner | 321,000 | 17% | $99,580 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
These are just a few of the many ways to help the elderly community. If you’d like more info on elderly-focused careers, or on the degrees that can help you move into one of these careers, read our full guide on Careers Working with the Elderly.
Working with the Impoverished
Almost 40 million people lived in poverty in the U.S. in 2022. Poverty impacts individuals, families, and communities through challenges such as hunger, homelessness, unemployment, and crime. The good news is, there’s plenty of opportunity out there to help those who fall below the poverty line. Career counselors help the under- and unemployed find new or better jobs. Social workers may also help with unemployment, but extend their services to locating temporary or permanent housing and/or finding sources of food in a pinch. Every community has people in need, and professionals who work with the impoverished often go the extra mile to fill those needs.
Food Security
In 2023, food insecurity affected 17.9% of households with children. According to the USDA, food insecure means being uncertain of having enough food to feed oneself or one’s family due to a lack of money or food resources. In addition to donating and volunteering, certain career paths aim to help the hungry find stable sources of nourishment via coupons, stamps, or pantries. For example, community service managers plan and oversee food-based programs and charity events. And they may team with event coordinators or grant writers to organize the event or seek funding.
Popular careers helping the hungry:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
Community Service Manager | 199,500 | 8% | $77,030 |
Event Planner | 149,000 | 8% | $56,920 |
Social worker | 751,900 | 7% | $58,380 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
The National Alliance to End Homelessness reports that in 2023, a record high of 39.3% of people experiencing homelessness were unsheltered— that’s 256,610 people. While the number of homeless may be hard to measure accurately, it’s clear that too many people in the U.S. need help finding a place to live. For some, the issue may be financial, either a lack of income, poor credit, or a history of evictions that turns off landlords. For others, it could be a medical issue or the result of a family setback. Although social workers help homeless youth and adults in a variety of ways, a number of other career paths do so, as well.
Popular careers helping the homeless:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
Mental Health Counselor | 449,800 | 19% | $53,710 |
Social Service Manager | 199,500 | 8% | $77,030 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
Employment can be hard to find and keep. Millions of Americans are either unemployed or underemployed, making it difficult to make ends meet. For those looking for part-time or full-time work to improve their financial position, there are a wide range of services available, many of which have career-minded professionals making a difference. Career counselors, for example, evaluate an individual’s background, aptitude, education, and skillset to determine their best path to a stable job and/or a long-term career. And social service managers and social workers help people and families establish a social safety net that allows them to look for work without worrying about losing a residence or missing a meal.
Popular careers helping the underemployed:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
Adult Literacy & GED Instructor | 41,700 | -13% | $60,560 |
Human Resources Specialist | 933,700 | 8% | $67,650 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
Working with Children
Children are the future, and they deserve the very best we have. Careers helping youth cross a wide range of fields and cover infancy through the age of 17. Pediatric nurse practitioners, pediatricians, daycare specialists, teachers, school counselors, social workers, and many more help children grow, learn, and succeed until their early adult years. Here’s a more detailed look at some of the most popular fields working with today’s youth, as well as links to resources to further your research. And for even more information, check out our dedicated guides to careers working with children and careers helping foster kids.
Children of all ages receive counseling, whether to solve a minor challenge at school or a major condition related to mental health and wellness. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, nearly 10% of all children ages 3 -17 have received treatment from a counselor within the last 12 months. Because children are in their formative years and mental and emotional wellness is delicate, it’s important to have well trained and highly educated professionals in place.
Popular careers in child counseling:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
Child Psychologist | 207,500 | 7% | $92,740 |
School Counselor | 360,800 | 4% | $61,710 |
Social Worker | 751,900 | 7% | $58,380 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
Education is a cornerstone of child development. Although a majority of today’s students progress from grade to grade successfully, many struggle to learn the necessary skills along the way. It’s this struggle that calls for effective and dedicated educators to make sure kids transition from preschool through high school and beyond. Here’s a look at some of today’s most popular careers in youth education.
Popular careers in education:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
Preschool Teacher | 528,500 | 4% | $37,130 |
Elementary School Teacher | 1,563,700 | -1% | $63,680 |
Middle School teacher | 640,000 | -1% | $64,290 |
High School teacher | 1,071,400 | -1% | $65,220 |
Special Education Teacher | 531,600 | 0% | $65,910 |
School Principal | 316,600 | -1% | $103,460 |
Teacher Assistant | 1,389,200 | -1% | $35,550 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
Between ages 5 and 10, children who are well should visit the doctor at least once a year to make sure they’re healthy and developing normally. And when they’re not, pediatricians, pediatric nurses, and other medical specialists make sure children get inoculated at the right time, broken bones get set and heal, and other diseases and disorders are handled swiftly. Here are some of the most popular careers in healthcare that help kids:
Popular careers in children’s healthcare:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner | 349,600 | 40% | $129,480 |
Childcare Worker | 970,800 | -1% | $30,370 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
Working with Veterans
Transitioning from active service member to veteran can be difficult in more ways than one. There’s moving yourself and your family, finding employment, and adjusting to living and working outside of the military in general. And for some veterans, a disability can make the challenge even more of an uphill battle.
In addition to the VA, numerous private companies, nonprofit organizations, and other public programs specialize in helping veterans with some or all of their transition. For example, career counseling can help veterans translate their military occupation to a civilian career. Financial planning can make sure veterans get their military retirement and benefits set in time to integrate their civilian ones. You can get more details on careers where you can help veterans succeed in the table below. And if you or someone you know is a veteran looking for meaningful civilian careers that are a great match for military skills and experience, check out our complete guide to public service degrees and careers for veterans.
Popular careers working with veterans:
Career | No. of Jobs | Est. Growth Rate | Median Salary |
Career Counselor | 360,800 | 4% | $61,710 |
Financial Planner | 321,000 | 17% | $99,580 |
Human Resource Specialist | 933,700 | 8% | $67,650 |
Mental Health Counselor | 449,800 | 19% | $53,710 |
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2023)
The guide is not exhaustive. It barely scratches the surface on the ways you (or anyone) can turn a passion for helping into a long-term career in giving back. Whether it’s a career helping people with disabilities, children, veterans, the elderly or homeless, helping people in need goes a long way toward building healthier, safer, and stronger communities.